
Climate Monitor

A free and confidential Web-tool allows the user to select a chosen location (within Australia) then easily analyse and graph rainfall, minimum and maximum temperatures for all available years, calculate thermal time (chill and heat units based on the users selected base temperature) and graph temperature thresholds for their chosen location.

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HortCarbon Info

A free and confidential Web-tool enables growers of Horticultural crops to easily calculate their Carbon Footprint.
Electricity used for irrigation and refrigeration to cool produce, fuel used in farming operations, Nitrogenous fertilizers and crop residues are the major on-farm contributors to GHG emissions in Horticulture.

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Critical Temperature Thresholds for selected vegetable crops

This work combines high quality peer reviewed world crop physiology and growth research, with local temperature and conditions to explore current and future (2050) crop productivity and seasonality.
Analysis then teases out how growing the selected crop at each production location will potentially be impacted.

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Use of BoM multi-week and seasonal forecasts to improve management decisions in Queensland’s vegetable industry

Queensland’s Lockyer Valley and Granite Belt vegetable producers and supply chain managers are testing new experimental forecast tools. Improved forecasts have the capacity to build sustainability through improving farm, business and labour management decisions.

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Last updated: 19 July 2024